Review: Sleeping Beauty at Loughborough Town Hall
Last Friday, Team Raucous headed to Loughborough Town Hall to see the panto for our first festive production. Since The Littlest is only five and hasn’t been to a panto in the last two Christmases due to covid, we were all very excited about the show.
Loughborough’s panto is produced by Little Wolf Entertainment, which specialises in producing traditional pantomimes and has won numerous awards for its exciting productions. This year’s offering is no exception.

After getting some flashing tat and sweets, we settled into our seats, and The Littlest was completely enthralled throughout the show. Penelope Simons’ performance as Fairy Lights was delightful, and we hoped she would succeed in acquiring her wings. An evening at the panto wouldn’t be complete without puns-a-plenty and the Dame was superb – Sean McKenzie stole the show as Nurse Nancy Nightly. The jokes were hilarious since they were risque enough to go over the kids’ heads but clever enough to make us laugh too.
In addition to messy slapstick, yelling, “It’s behind you,” and magic tricks gone wrong, there were many other elements that captured our attention. The dragon, in particular, was a favourite and the costumes were incredible especially Dame Nancy’s finale crown. I had missed all the little extras that make Christmas so special, and I was thrilled to be back experiencing all the festivities that covid put on hold. We can’t wait for Peter Pan next year!
Sleeping Beauty is running until the 2nd of January, with relaxed and signed performances available too.
Get your tickets here –
Market Place, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3EB
Box Office: (01509) 231914 / [email protected]