Goals For 2018
I have never really been one of those ‘New Year, New Me’ type of people (although I always find myself starting and failing at dieting in January alongside everyone else!) but maybe it’s because it turning 2018 means I am looking at the cold, hard fact that I turn 40 next year, (not till the August mind you, but still!) has meant I have felt compelled to write a list of things to achieve this year and some ultimately before I am 40.
- Learn to Drive – I lived in London for a large of my teens and adult life and in between that was months spent abroad working in Ibiza so I never really needed to drive. I managed to muddle through with one kid, lucky to have friends who would help me out on our trips out but with two kids that’s pretty impossible. Learning to drive is an absolute priority and essential making our family being able to function a lot better. I am just going to do it in an Automatic, lots of my friends have and I think it will be far less stressful for me. I want to do this by my 40th birthday. (So maybe I will get a nice shiny motor for my birthday, who knows?)
- Focus on my exercise and diet – I have struggled with binge-eating disorder my whole adult life and I think I always will. I don’t have aspirations of looking like a model but at the minute I am fortunate enough that I walk a lot and my weight hasn’t caused me any health issues but I feel I get the other side of 40 and it’s going to be harder to maintain. I want to be a good example to my boys and I actually like exercise once I go out and do it. I don’t have a fixed goal as such but by the time The Biggest starts school properly in September I want to be doing regular exercise and dropped a couple of dress sizes which will mean I can do all the things with the boys that fill me with horror incase I get stuck, running around soft play, going on certain rides.
- Blog At Least Once A Week – I wanted to start this blog so I don’t forget things about the boy’s childhoods and as a cathartic space for me when I am not feeling so great. So yes, regular posts on here as well as my social accounts.
- Ditch Technology One Evening A Week – We did this a while back and it was amazing. It’s good to switch off and just be.
- Start My Podcast – My sister-in-law and I have debated starting a podcast (I am not sure my skin is thick enough for vlogging!) so would like to get this off the ground
- Be in bed by 10.30/11pm each night – Sometimes after running around working and being mum I just want some time to relax and unwind but often I find myself in bed at almost midnight. The Littlest has been teething recently so his sleep has gone a bit hit and miss so some decent shut eye will definitely make my life easier
- Try to prep the night before – Everything. Now I am back at work and kids need to be at preschool / childminders I feel ridiculously stressed if I am chasing my tail in the morning to get us out the door. This feels like the hardest goal of all!
- Make Time For Old Friends – Small people inevitably steal your time which is understandable and thankfully social media means you can still stay in the loop but there are so many of my friends I barely or haven’t seen since The Biggest was born, I am going to try my hardest to find time to see or even video message them. I have lots of wonderful people in my life and would like to keep it that way!
- Try not to waste money on frivolous crap – I am definitely the kind of person who would rather spend money on experiences that general stuff, but if I could cut out some of the wasteful stuff (endless overpriced coffees, extortionate sandwiches and sushi boxes)
- Fit some more Disney trips in – A direct result of above, because, y’know, Disney!
So there we go! I look forward to seeing how I did with these at the end of the year!