Adjusting to Returning to Work
So it’s been just over a month since I have been back at work for my usual 3 days a week (apart from some KIT days I did last year) and it’s been a true whirlwind trying to get used to the new pace and routine needed.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love love my job (Product & Content Manager for a travel agency that specialises in selling cruises) and I know there is no way I could be a full time stay-at-home parent (hat’s off to you that are, you have more patience than I ever could!) but it’s just having to deal with the logistics of it all.
When I went back to work after having The Biggest, I had been made redundant whilst on maternity leave, so it was a new job in a new environment (mostly working from home) so I had nothing to compare it too. This time round, as well as having to clear my baby brain, I have The Biggest to get in his uniform to go to preschool, have a bag to pack to get The Littlest ready for the childminder, we are in a bigger house with double the rooms to keep clean, more washing and so on.
The last month has been chaos, but we are now starting to settle into a routine. I used to be able just to wing it with one, my anxiety and stress levels simply cannot cope with that now, so where ever possible we have everything ready the night before. We also dont want to spend valuable family time at the weekends doing housework either, so as I mentioned on my Instagram stories we have started with The Organised Mum Method. We didn’t need a full boot camp but were inbetween so we have been bits here and there so we are ready to start fresh next week, which will definitely help!
It feels so good to re-engage my brain too and the baby fog has finally lifted (although a couple of terrible teething nights left it swirling a little!) so I can get stuck in again!
I would be interested to hear how my fellow working mums coped with their return to work, any tips or words of wisdom?