A Year Without Clothes or Make-Up Purchases…
So if you follow my instagram you will know I mentioned that I was going to try and not make any clothes or make-up purchases for the whole year. Well, I said clothes but I am going to add make-up in there as well!
Why? Well I have a terrible spending habit when it comes to both and I literally have clothes in my wardrobe that still have tags on and make-up that I have used maybe once. I love Soap & Glory make-up and have gift sets I havent cracked open either. So although I think it will be hard, I am determined to give it a go and am interested to see what new looks and outfits I can put together out of my overfollowing wardrobes and drawers.
Over the last few months I have become more and more aware of the amount of resources we are just wasting for nothing. I dont NEED these things, I want them. And even though I generally can afford them, I could think of better uses for the money and also the environmental impact of not wasting stuff. Especially when I think of all the packaging the make-up entails.
I have decided to put some rules in place.
1) I will allow myself to replace my mascara every few months as I often wear contacts and hygiene!
2) If I need something desperately, I have to sell some things I already own in order to fund the new items or look at vintage / second hand options.
3) If I falter and buy something, I have to give the exact amount of money again to charity.
Wish me luck!